Первый в жизни!

Asoka Cosle

Basic provisions All participants applying for participation in the festival as cospliers accept these rules automatically, undertake to review the rules of the competition and non-concurring speeches, and publish the festival on the official website as frequently asked questions arise. The festival is run by Parad Kostumov, which is attended by single applications and Parad Stand, where command requests are made. The procedure for conducting the competition and extracurricular speech is governed by the relevant rules published on the official festival website. Space ticketsAll participants in Parada Costumov, who have received confirmation of their request from the organizers, acquire a ticket to the festival at a special price for the participants, 350е. The tickets will be sold after registration of requests for separate meetings. Parada Costumov from other cities can book their ticket through the organizers. The cosplier who received a discount on the purchase of an entry ticket confirms his acceptance of any of his photographs taken by the photographers accredited to the festival in the advertising company of future festivals.