Interesting Cosplay
Well, then, this note for you!
Space (from cosupura, screaming from angloll. costume play - " cosmetic game " ) It's a hobby, like a mascarade, when people change into the costumes of known heroes. Cartoons and games, animos and films, books, legends, etc. It's safe to say that the modern spike is a complete subculture with its unwritten rules, procedures and traditions.
Although the term " Spley " had Japanese roots, it was not born in the east. It's the first time Americans have had these games, and it's called the fun of costuming. These games tended to have different characters of the works, but there were often real stars of the estrades.
Despite this, it is. Japan has become the most widespread. The production of suits for this activity is delivered by the Japanese to a serious cash flow.
People who do this hobby call them cospleries. There used to be whole bodies of such actors. But to date, with the wide dissemination of the Internet, we can see either special festivals or photos and video sessions.
Usually cosple fans have identified themselves with the heroes that dressed up. But modern representatives of this hobby have eliminated this relationship, so everyone who wishes can speak in any way.
There are some problems inside the subculture. The question is, why does a man make costumes, spend, sometimes, a lot of money and get into some character? ? Of course, it's hard to know that this kind of activity naturally implies that you'll be looking at and judged similarities to the chosen hero. Often, there are misunderstandings.
Some tall, thin man with a swallow figure will suddenly imagine himself Carlson. He makes serious costs, both material and temporary, orders or sews a suit, etc. But there's a picture of him showing up on the Internet, like he's being hit by a bunch of criticisms, mockery, sometimes direct insults. Turns out he made so much effort for his own fiasco.
But it's personal. It remains to be added that many of the major cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are taking place Festivalwhere the conspirators gather and show each other their skill.