Spider Of The Spider, Return Home
Do you have a cool Spider Man costume? Then win the invite to the movie "Great Spider: Return home" to go to the Mouse movie theater on July 06!
By 5 July, put your picture in the Spider Man's suit. With the Hashtags On the Contact or Facebook and on July 6th, the Vulgograd Cinema Cinema will identify three winners who will get tickets to the Movies movie theater to the Manovek Spider: Return home!
Good luck, everybody!
"Pow-Book Man: Return home" 16+
After a historic meeting with the vigilante team, Peter Parker goes home trying to live his normal life under the care of his aunt May. But now Peter's looking for something else... Tony Stark saw the Spider Man in the case and should be his mentor. When the new vulture's villain threatens to destroy everything Peter cares, it's time to prove to everyone that's a real superhero.