An unusual hobby that allows for the development of very interesting and useful skills, ranging from acting skills to sewing, is taking on more fans among the Ural youth.
The Eugenes of Radishevsky and Polina of the evening are cospiers. They create original suits for Star Wars characters from construction materials and household items. For example, they were handcuffed out of plumbing glasses and a boomed armor from a special plastic wrath only at +600 °C to match this specific material, the boys had to purchase a construction phenomenon.
Half 19 years old, she's a future architect. There was a girl in the crutch four years ago. It was totally random. She was once offered to replace the dragon, and she agreed. Since then, a student has taken this fascination, and she has not been able to live with a single image, even a festival award.
♪ My last heroin is Burt Cryce. She's a mandalorec, a bomber. By Bert's character, it's a bit of a big and fun business. Together with her team and the ship, she's beating the simplicity of a distant galaxy, I told Lifu Polina.
She's 19 years old, too. He receives education at the Ural Academy of Public Service in economic security. For him, the image of Striglea Farra Mandalor is the first.
♪ When I was a kid, my father made love for the prefabricated models, I learned about such a wonderful exercise as a cosle. I started doing this two years ago, He told Eugenia in a conversation with Lif. As for my character, we're used to seeing noble heroes in films saving the galaxy from the rotting of the Empire and helping the poor. I wanted to step away from these templates and present a very new image. Farra's hair doesn't care who runs the galaxy, he's more important than his own well-being and well-being of the family, he just doesn't care about the problems of ordinary people, he makes a living what he can best--- the head hunt.
The guys are doing original splash. Like this. cosplier I mean, not limited to anything, 'cause he makes characters and suit himself.